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ThyssenKrupp pushes chlor-alkali energy-saving new technology


As an important basic chemical, chlorine production is one of the high energy consumption processes in the chemical industry. ThyssenKrupp recently introduced sodium chloride oxygen cathode electrolysis technology, which reduces energy consumption and indirect CO2 emissions by 25% compared to conventional processes.

The sodium chloride oxygen cathode electrolysis technology was jointly developed by ThyssenKrupp's ThyssenKrupp Wood Chlorine Engineering and Covestro. ThyssenKrupp's engineers then further advanced the technology: by increasing the current density of the cell from 4000 amps to 6000 amps, the chlorine production increased by 50%. At the same time, this technological advancement can reduce the size of electrolytic cells of the same capacity by one-third, with a small factory footprint, low maintenance costs and high efficiency operation, and end users can significantly reduce operating costs.